Wednesday 21 January 2015

How to correct your Posture and Stand-up Straight

How to correct your Posture and Stand-up Straight

Stand Up Straight
While most of us realize that we should be correcting our posture more, it's an essential step in
preventing and reducing back pain.
Our spines are meant to be in a naturally curved position, but we need to hold our bodies in a
certain manner in order to allow the body to sit in this proper position.
When you slouch, the vertebrae in your spine have more pressure put on them, causing pain
and possible spinal damage when you continue to slouch throughout your life.

Here is how you can begin to stand up straight:

Stand with your feet slightly apart, about hip's distance is comfortable for most people.

Hold your head up high with your gaze forward.

Pull your chin up so that it is parallel with the floor.

Roll your shoulders slightly back.

Keep a slight bend in your knees, softening them.

Put your arms to your sides, with palms facing inward.

Bring your chest up, as though you were taking a deep breath.

You should be able to draw a line from your ear to the shoulder to your hip to your knee if you
are standing up properly.

But the immediate effect will be that your body should feel more relaxed and your neck and
back should loosen up.

You can also use these tips when you are sitting down, though your feet should be flat on the
floor and knees bent at a ninety degree angle from your chair.

The more you practice this good posture, the more natural it will become

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Monday 19 January 2015

Exercise For Back Pain: Avoiding Back Pain

Exercise For Back Pain: Avoiding Back Pain 

Tips to get rid of back pain either in MEN or WOMEN (mostly in pregnancy)
• Right posture - The foremost thing that you should mind to reduce your lower back pain is to uphold the right posture. You should always stand and sit straight with your shoulders held back. Make sure that you do not get stained by your abdomen pulling forward your lower back.
If your work requires you to sit a lot, choose a chair that supports your back. Do not sit crosslegged and often take small walk to stretch yourself.
• Body pillow - Remember not to lie on the back while sleeping; rather try to be on your sides.
You can keep a body pillow for support under the abdomen and amongst your knees for
complete support. This will reduce pressure from your back and keep the body in good posture
or alignment.
• Diet – Eat healthy and nutritious food that is good both for you, or you and your baby’s health. Be cautious about gaining too much of weight, as it is harmful for both of you and will also put a
strain on your back all the more. You can also try some exercises after consulting your doctor.
• Shoes – Ladies, Wear low-heeled footwear that is comfortable. High-heeled shoes increase the
pressure on your back and also increase the possibility of falling.
• Massage – If you are unable to bear the pain, chiropractic care and massage are the options
that you can try. Massaging with heated oils on the affected area can also be of great help. Do
not take any of these treatments without consultation with your doctor.
Acetaminophen can also be taken for pain relief at the time of pregnancy. Consuming NSAIDS
like Advil, Motrin and many other kinds of ibuprofen is not very safe at this time.
• Lift – Be careful not to lift anything by bending over your waist or heavy objects on your
head. Try to keep your back as straight as possible.
Be sure that your doctor is aware of any kind of back pains that you may be suffering from as it may also be an indication for premature labor that may require immediate attention. No doubt, pregnancy is accompanied with a lot of pains, but at last with a new born in your hand its worth it all.
 is expected that any kind of pain in back is a serious problem, which can affect about 80% of
the population. Many people suffer from serious back pain, which can go in a few days or
weeks. There are several remedies, which can begin with simple pain relievers and physical
therapy to surgery for critical back problems.
The Optional Treatment For Back Pain (Men and Women)
Many patients are going to have an optional treatment instead of the traditional methods, as
they are easy and cost-effective. These methods are beneficial in treating the distress, saving
the patient from undergoing medical examinations and unnecessary surgery. This can finally
save a lot of money, which is spent on medical bills and health, care costs.
There is one natural treatment for alternative back pain. The examples of some of the
alternative treatment methods are as follows:
Acupuncture: Acupuncture needles are placed in a pathway where one feels pain on the back. The needles release the blocked energy from affected areas. In a latest survey on 150 patients suffering from back pain, the patients, which had acupuncture over traditional methods, become pain free much faster and for long time.
Capsaicin Cream: This is the content one can find in chili peppers. It is very efficient when massage on the distraught area four times in a day. One can get it at health food stores,
medical stores and online.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and muscles. A shortage on Vitamin D can become reason of chronic muscle pain in your back. Milk, fish and cereal are good sources of vitamin D.
Music Therapy: Music Therapy has proven most beneficial as well as a depression reducer among people who suffer with chronic back pain. The practice of listening to soft music will reduce stress and depression and these are related to chronic backache.
Vitamin B-12: Vitamin B-12 is also vitamin, which is very effective for reducing pain in back. The dairy products and meat are very good sources for Vitamin B-12.
Magnesium: Magnesium is very essential for muscle growth, healthy bones as well as provides a very good immune system for just a few of the advantages of mineral. Magnesium rich foods are green vegetables such as spinach, whole grain breads, nuts and bananas.
The other methods to work on pain in the back are yoga; willow bark and Bowen therapy. Each of these treatments takes its own time to treat the backache.

Reference -  How To Win Your War Against Back Pain: Wings Of Success 

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Saturday 3 January 2015




Drink Water Only

Any Coca-Cola drinks, sweet Drinks, Beers or beverages contain so much calories, yet they do not satisfy you the way food does. So, they are such a waste.
Other liquids content may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, pumping you out.
On the other hand, Water, has zero calories and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as kick-start your metabolism. You can add lemon if water is just too boring.

Eat Simple Light Food

Eat simple food like spaghetti,  Indomie, sandwich rolls because they slim you down. It is easily digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and likely to overeat later.
Eat a lot of vegetables because vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer. And because vegetable are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.

Drink Coffee especially morning, one hour before outing

Just as coffee make white men morning set before work, it has great advantage of pushing excess water out of your body and burn calories out.

Have Nightly You-on-Top Sex

Not that you needed an excuse to hook up with your guy every night, but the fact is, this position is a fat blaster. Being on top means you do the rocking, and the more active you are, the more calories you burn — up to 144 for 30 minutes.
Sex also pumps levels of feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, helping you ride out food cravings. Get on top in reverse-cowgirl (i.e., facing away from your guy) to give your thigh and butt muscles an extra push. From search engine (

Do exercise often

Sport men have confirmed that exercise is one of the great weapon to reduce fat. It burn calories faster than any other mean and help you to flush out excess water in your body. Besides exercise make you stronger and keep your body fit.

Sleep more at night

Sleeping 7 to 8 hours per night boosts your metabolism. When you have enough sleep, your body tends to release more water for you to release. It helps a lot burning fat.

Stand Up Straight

Keeping your spine rigid and your shoulders back while sucking in your belly toward your spine gives you a slimmer, more streamlined middle.
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